MGI Research Company Rating: Gotransverse

MGI Research 360 Ratings Gotransverse in Billing Management

Companies seeking sophisticated recurring revenue monetization capabilities across a mix of physical and digital goods should evaluate Gotransverse.” - Igor Stenmark, Managing Director, MGI Research

Gotransverse received a composite 61 score in the most recent rerating of the MGI Research Agile Billing Market Ratings Report (MRR). Gotransverse’s ranking rose with notable achievements across each category, grabbing high scores for product and management.

The MGI 360 Ratings is a comprehensive system for evaluating technology so that organizations can track suppliers, assess purchasing risks, and identify promising new vendors. The ratings reflect MGI’s analysis in five key areas including: product, management, channels, strategy, and finance. 16 companies and over 125 criteria were evaluated to generate an MGI 360 rating in each specific market space.