Unlike a decade ago, subscription-based billing models have become a common strategy. Subscription-based billing gives consumers a cost-effective and convenient way to take advantage of goods and service offerings. They get the ease and convenience of regularly needed goods and services paid for, ordered and delivered without the time and effort that they used to have to expend. For businesses, it provides a steady and predictable revenue stream from recurring fees, and they gain new possibilities when it comes to innovatively packaging and pricing offerings to maximize speed-to-market, revenue and customer satisfaction.

In 2000 Salesforce.com® disrupted the entire software industry with its per-user, per-month pricing model. Today this is a standard offering for most software providers, and a growing multitude of businesses of all kinds are shifting from transactional sales to recurring revenue models. What’s more, consumers are growing more accustom to “pay only for what you consume” options like utility usage or mobile phone plans. Businesses are being forced to re-think their go-to-market strategies even further. Industry-leading enterprise organizations are looking beyond the simple subscription model to a subscription offer with consumption-based services added on top of it.

What pricing model does your company offer NOW and which will it offer in 12 to 24 months? In our newest whitepaper, Innovative Pricing Models that Increase Revenue, we explore this question and what it takes to successfully support subscription offers with the addition of usage-based services in your business.

Download the full whitepaper, to learn what it means to have a modern consumption-based business strategy. We outline the mechanics of intelligent billing and dynamic monetization systems and how they can benefit your company. Some of the benefits include:

  1. Drive Revenue
  2. Disrupt Competitors
  3. Attract New Customers
  4. Experiment with Digital Offerings
  5. Adapt to Changing Customer Preferences

Download the full paper here.