Gotransverse on Forefront of Pay-As-You-Consume Billing for B2B

Heather Burton, VP of Marketing, knows that Gotransverse is on to something big. Markets are starting to accept the idea that billing isn’t just about the back office and doing invoices anymore. At Gotransverse, we help companies launch new products and go to market how you want to go to market.

"If you can measure it, we can bill for it” is really true at Gotransverse. That philosophy opens up a huge world around big data, the Internet of Things, and embodies how we are going to help drive pay-as-you-consume billing models, especially in a B2B world. This is revolutionary. It’s great that devices are becoming more connected, but if you can’t monetize it, so what? And that’s where we have strength.

Where we are all going is nothing less than a 4th Industrial Revolution. It’s exciting to be on the forefront of technology that will drive the next generation of pay-as-you-consume billing in B2B business models.